Installing OpenCV 2.4.9 on Mac OSX with Python Support


Here is the updated version of my previous post since Brew finally added the most recent version of OpenCV!

1. First of all I’ll be using the package manager Homebrew to simplify things, you can get it here:

The reason I’ve decided to use Homebrew was because it installs packages into their own directory which makes everything nice and easy to find. I tried macports but didn’t like it.

2. Once you have brew installed you can go ahead and and add homebrew/science which is where OpenCV is located using:

3. If you want to see other possible options such as when compiling (such as using tbb) you can use info

Go ahead and install OpenCV now

4. You’re done! You can find OpenCV at

Setting up Python

1. Navigate to your python path, if you don’t know where it is when you installed Python you can find it…

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